How to Apply for a Germany Visit Visa? A Complete Guide for Foreigners

Germany visit visa

A Germany visit visa is a great option for you if you want to explore Germany and other Schengen countries together. If you’re planning to visit Germany for tourism, family visits, or other short-term purposes, you’ll likely need a Germany visit visa. In this blog post, we will explain everything that you need to know about a German visit visa. Furthermore, we will walk through the step-by-step process of applying for a German visit visa without any trouble.


 Step1: Determine the Type of Visa You Need

Before applying for a Germany visit visa, determine the type of visa that suits your purpose of visit. The most common types of visit visas include:

1. A tourism visa (Schengen visa) if your purpose is to tour Germany and explore the country.

2. Visitor visas for family and friends are obtained through an invitation letter, which is also very common.

3. Medical visa: apply for a short-term visit visa based on medical grounds. If you require medical treatment in Germany, you have to apply for a medical visa for a short period of up to 90 days.

So, if you decide to apply for a tourist visa or a visit visa to Germany, you need to proceed further and follow our steps for the process from start to finish.


Step 2: Check & Complete Required Documents

Visit the official website of the German embassy or consulate in your country to check the specific visa requirements for your nationality. Generally, you will need the following documents:

1. Completed visa application form

2. Your passport should have been issued within the last 10 years and be valid for at least one year from the date of your visa application. Ensure it has at least two empty pages for visa stamps. If you have old passport, don’t forget to attach it as well.

3. Passport-sized photographs with a white background.

4. Invitation letter (you need this letter only when you are invited by a family member in Germany). If you are going there without any family or private visits, then you don’t need this document).

5. Travel itinerary (a travel itinerary is a detailed plan or schedule of your travel arrangements, including transportation, accommodation, and activities, for a specific trip).

6. Declaration of the accuracy of the information that you provide in your application.

7. Proof of accommodation (this includes your hotel reservation or booking that you present to the immigration or embassy to show that you have a place to stay during your visit to Germany). However, if you are invited by a family member, then you have to provide documents on behalf of your family members indicating that you have a private place to live during your stay in Germany as a visitor.

8. Travel health insurance (this includes up to 30,000 euros in insurance coverage that you need to have when you apply for a Schengen country visit visa). That means this is a general requirement. Find out more about insuance in another article by clicking here.

9. Proof of financial means to cover your expenses during the visit (this could be your bank statement showing enough balance to prove to the embassy that you are financially stable and can easily manage your expenses during your stay in Germany).  In addition, the better your financial statement with enough balance, the more chances you have to get a Germany visit visa easily without any trouble.

10. Flight reservation with a return ticket (If you are visiting Germany, then you would definitely plan your stay there. For this, you would buy your return ticket in advance, which you should attach to your application).


Additional Documents Help You Obtain a Germany Visit Visa


Job Contract Letter

Provide your job contract to the embassy or consulate to show that you are currently employed. This demonstrates that you have ties to your home country and intend to return after your visit to Germany.

No Objection Letter or Leave Letter

As an employee or professional worker, if you are planning to get a Germany visit visa and are planning to take a vacation, obtain a leave letter from your employer or boss. This document indicates that your absence from work has been approved and adds a positive aspect to your visa application.


Business-related documents

Attach relevant documents with the application if you are running a business. This could be documentation related to your business operations, such as registration papers or financial statements. These documents help demonstrate that your intention is solely to visit Germany and not to stay longer.


Property Evidence (if any)

Attach your property-related documents if you own property or have a family living in your home country. This could include property deeds or rental agreements.  This will ensure your ties with your home country, the embassy, and, of course, your intention to return.


CV and Cover Letter

Including your CV and a cover letter can also be beneficial. These documents provide information about your professional background and future plans, adding credibility to your visa application.


Retirement Documents

You, as a retired individual, provide pension statements from the last three months. This demonstrates a stable source of income and further supports your intention to return after your visit to Germany.


Study-related Documents (if you are student)

If you are a student, obtain a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from your university or school. This document confirms that you are currently enrolled and intend to resume your studies after your visit to Germany.


Step3: Schedule an Appointment

Once you have gathered all the required documents, schedule an appointment with the German embassy or consulate in your country. Some embassies may require you to book an appointment online, while others may accept walk-in appointments. In some countries, you have to book appointments through VFS. Therefore, we suggest checking the official website of the German embassy in your country for more information.


Step 4: Pay the Germany visit Visa Fee

Pay your visa application fee as required by the embassy or consulate. The fee may vary depending on the type of visa and your nationality. Payment methods may include cash, credit/debit card, or bank transfer. The normal fee is 80 euros, and for children aged 6–12, the fee is 40 euros. Children under six are exempt from the fee.


Step 5: Complete the Application & Submit

Fill out your visa application form accurately and completely online, or print out the form. Provide all the necessary information, including personal details, purpose of visit, travel dates, and accommodation details. Attach all the documents to your application and submit them. Remember, the submission process depends on the country. For example, in some countries, you have to submit your application online and wait until your number is called from a waiting list after previous applicants are processed. In other countries, you have to visit in person after getting an appointment and submit your application with all the documents to the embassy. Additionally, in some countries, you have to submit your application through VFS Global. So, in all cases, we suggest confirming with the official embassy website in your country for accurate information.



Step 6: Attend the Germany Visit Visa Interview

On the scheduled date of your appointment, attend the visa interview at the German embassy or consulate. Take all the documents with you in hard copies, both original and copies, organized in a complete file. Be prepared to answer questions related to your travel plans, purpose of visit, and financial situation regarding the documents that you provide. Present your documents neatly and honestly. Remember that your interview for a visit visa has a significant impact on your decision. So, we suggest you practice your interview and give answers confidently and honestly.


Step 7: Wait to visit Visa Processing

After submitting your application for a Germany visit visa and attending the interview, wait for the visa processing to be completed. Processing times may vary depending on the embassy, but in general, they issue the decision within 15 days. If the process is prolonged, it could take up to 4 weeks to complete and issue a decision.


Step 8: Collect Your Germany visit Visa

Once your Germany visit visa application is approved, collect your passport with the visa stamp from the embassy or consulate. If you submit your visa at VFS Global, then you will receive your passport there with a visa sticker on it. Check the visa details to ensure that all information is correct, because if you don’t check them, there will be problems later on. If you find a mistake or error, which is not very common, you can request the embassy to fix this issue.


In case of visa Rejection of Germany visit visa

In case your Germany visit visa application is rejected, you must apply for an appeal within the official 30-day time period. It’s important to apply only if the rejection is based on specific documents, as you can then submit these documents with your appeal. However, if the rejection is general, we strongly advise you to apply for a new visa application from the beginning, because you’re already familiar with the process. you would not face problem in anything when you file new application.


Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the chances of getting a Germany visit visa?

It depends on your application and the process you followed. This means that if you complete the process and provide every single document that proves you are genuinely a visitor with intentions to return to your country without overstaying, your chances increase. The proof is shown by your documents and the interview that you attended properly, ensuring the visa officer is satisfied with your case. This will result in obtaining a Germany visit visa easily and without any trouble.


What are the most common questions asked during the Germany visit visa interview by the visa officer?

What is the purpose of your visit to Germany?

Can you provide details about your accommodation arrangements during your stay?

How do you plan to financially support yourself during your visit?

Have you traveled to other countries before? If yes, where and for what purpose?

What ties do you have to your home country that would ensure your return after your visit?


Can a businessman get a German visa easily?

As a businessperson visiting Germany, if you highlight professionally your business’s value and growth, it greatly improves your chances. It shows the embassy you’re a serious entrepreneur exploring the country, not planning to stay without good reason.


What are other options available if my Germany visit visa gets rejected?

After you get rejected for your Germany visit visa, you still have options to visit Germany. You can apply for a visit visa to another Schengen country, like a Poland visit visa or a Denmark tourist visa, which may have less stringent visa requirements. Additionally, you can explore details about a Poland visit visa for more information.


Can I extend my Germany visit visa?

You cannot extend your Germany visit visa. However, if you experience a serious injury during your visit to Germany and cannot travel back to your country, you may apply for a visa based on medical grounds or medical treatment. This option is available only in cases where traveling poses a serious threat to your health, as confirmed by a medical professional.


Can I work on a German visit visa?

While on a Germany visit visa, you are not permitted to work in Germany. However, if you are a businessperson visiting for informal meetings or discussions, this is allowed. Engaging in informal business meetings does not violate the terms of a visit visa.


What are the consequences of working in Germany if I have a visit visa?

If you are found working in Germany while holding a visit visa, serious consequences may occur, including deportation and potential bans from entering the Schengen Zone for a specific period. It is strongly advised to refrain from engaging in any prohibited activities.


Is it possible to travel to Germany as a tourist?

Yes, you can travel to Germany as a tourist, but you need to apply for a tourist or visit visa if you belong to a country that requires a visa to enter Germany.


Do I need a visa for Berlin?

Whether you need a visa for Berlin depends on your country of origin. If you are from a country that requires a visa, such as Asian states, Gulf states, or African countries, you need to obtain a visa to enter Berlin or any other city in Germany.


What are the top 5 places to visit if you have a tourist visa for Germany?

Certainly! Here are five places you must visit when you visit Germany:

Berlin: vibrant culture, history, and nightlife.

Neuschwanstein Castle: Fairytale-like castle in the Bavarian Alps.

Cologne: Iconic cathedral and charming Old Town.

The Black Forest: Dense forests, hiking trails, and picturesque villages.

Munich: Oktoberfest, historic architecture, and beautiful parks.


What are other options for moving to Germany rather than a visit visa?

There are some other options that you can use to move to Germany, e.g., a Germany study visa. If you are a skilled individual, you can apply for a Germany job seeker visa. These two options are the most common if you want to move to Germany beyond a Germany visit visa.


Is it easy to get a Germany visit visa from Pakistan?

Getting a visit visa from Asian countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan is not necessarily easy. If you apply from these countries, you’ll need to prepare additional documents proving that you’re only visiting and intend to return to your home country once your visit is completed. However, if your application is genuine and the embassy is satisfied with your case, you can obtain a Germany visit visa smoothly.


What key documents should I submit for a German visit visa?

You need the required documents to apply for Germany, but the most important documents you need are your bank statement, insurance, proof of accommodation, and return ticket.


What is the best strategy for a Germany visit visa interview?

The best strategy for a Germany visit visa interview is to provide answers to the visa officer that satisfy their concerns. If your answers satisfy the visa officer, the probability of getting a Germany visit visa will be higher. Therefore, we suggest you practice interviewing at home before the interview date. Remember to answer the questions properly and honestly.



While we make an effort to offer accurate and current information, it is advisable to independently verify the details on the official German immigration website for absolute accuracy and clarity.

Disclaimer for Migrate with wisdom

Our blog’s objective is to offer helpful information and direction for completing the Germany Visit Visa application process. It is important to rely on the official resources and procedures outlined by the relevant immigration authorities to ensure the most precise and up-to-date information for your application.


What do we hope from you?

We hope that this blog post helps you understand the process of applying for and getting a Germany visit or tourist visa for foreigners.

If you have any questions to ask, you are welcome to leave a comment below or get in touch with us at



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