Germany Job Seeker Visa: A Complete Guide for Foreigners

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Germany Job Seeker Visa

The Germany Job Seeker Visa lets skilled professionals search for jobs in Germany for up to six months without needing a job offer beforehand. It’s a great option for ambitious professionals exploring career opportunities in Germany. If you are interested in a German job seeker visa from your home country but don’t know how to start the application process, then this blog post is useful for you.

In this blog post, we will guide you through the complete process of applying for a German job seeker visa from start to finish.  Let’s start the step-by-step process.


Check Your Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Germany Job Seeker Visa, you must meet certain criteria, including possessing a recognized university degree or an equivalent qualification. Your degrees are approved and accepted by an organization called The Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen (ZAB).

Apart from that, you have work experience in the relevant field, which plays a very crucial role in getting a German job seeker visa. Additionally, proficiency in the German language is highly recommended, although not always mandatory, depending on the applicant’s field of expertise.


Complete Important Documents (Important Part)

Before proceeding with your application form (step 3), gather all the necessary documentation for your Germany Job Seeker Visa application. Here’s a detailed list of the documents and requirements you’ll need to prepare:

Standard documents for germany Job seeker visa

Standard documents are job seeker visa application, passport copy, photograph, accommodation, insurance, etc.

Note: These are the basic documents required when applying for a Germany visa, such as visit and study permit, etc. For detailed information about these documents and each step in the application process, we suggest reading our article titled “Germany Visit Visa,” where we provide a comprehensive explanation, step-by-step.

If you want to learn more about insurance companies for a Germany visa, we recommend reading our article titled “Germany Study Visa.” In this article, you’ll find a detailed list of insurance providers for Germany.


Additional requirements for Germany Job seeker visa 

Declaration for Additional Contact and Legal Representation Information: Complete and sign this declaration twice. Remember that if you submit your application without this declaration, it will not be considered complete.

Proof of Academics: Include your bachelor’s or master’s degree, diploma, and confirmation letters from previous employers, if applicable.

Recognition of Qualification for Germany: Depending on your education or training, provide Anabin database printouts or an individual “Statement of Comparability” by Anabin for academic degrees and proof of recognition of vocational training.

Professional Practice Permit: If applicable, provide a “Berufsübungserlaubnis” (professional practice permit), especially for specific jobs in the medical field. If you don’t belong to the medical field, then you don’t need to provide this document.

German Language Proficiency: For those with recognized vocational training, present current proof of German language proficiency at level B1, acknowledged by certificates from Goethe Institut/Max Mueller Bhavan or ÖSD.

Financial Proof: Demonstrate sufficient financial means to cover your living costs during your stay, either through a “Sperrkonto” (blocked account) in Germany, a “Verpflichtungserklärung” (formal obligation letter) by a sponsor in Germany, or other means such as bank statements.


Remember that while making a bank statement or block account, you have to count your balance in that way, e.g.

If you applied from India,

You have to consider that average expenses in Germany are 1027 euros per month. So when you make a statement, you have to count your monthly expenses plus the cost of the return ticket. This is the rough sum, and we suggest you confirm with the embassy where you are located.

If you apply from Pakistan

If you apply from Pakistan, then it is 939 euros. So in this situation, you have to multiply 939 by 6 months, and the total sum that you should show in your block account is 5634 euros, approx.


Important Note Regarding Return Tickets

If you don’t buy the return ticket in advance, then you have to show your bank statement from any bank in your country, which should be from the last six months. In this account, you should have enough money to buy your return ticket if you return to your country. This means either you have to show the advanced purchased return tick or show the entire balance in your account so that you can easily buy your return ticket.

Motivational Letter: Prepare a motivational letter detailing your plans to move to Germany, your intended job or work, your German language proficiency, job applications or interview invitations, and reasons for choosing Germany over other EU countries. Try to make your motivational letter as professional as possible, as the documents present your profile to the visa officer to show that you are actually a professional individual who truly wants to pursue your professional career in Germany rather than just visiting and staying longer without any reason. Further, we suggest you make a Europass format motivational letter because Europass CVs and cover letters are mostly acceptable in European countries.

Proof of Job Applications or Interviews: Include proof of job applications or invitations to job interviews, if available. Try to present some proof that you have applied for a job, even if you just sent the application by email to the companies. We suggest you send your job application to as many companies as possible. This act will prove that you are a genuine applicant and are seriously looking for a job in Germany.

Curriculum Vitae: Provide an up-to-date and comprehensive curriculum vitae. We suggest you use a Europass CV. Format for making your CV If you don’t know how to make a Europass CV, then we suggest you visit the official website of Euopass, where you can make your CV online.


Steps involved in application process


1. Book an Appointment

Book an appointment for file submission, e.g., through VFS or directly from the embassy website, depending on your country.


2. Pay the fee for

Pay the fee for your Germany job seeker visa, which is 75 euros.


3. Submit the Application 

Submit the application with all the required documents to the embassy or consulate located in your country, either through VFS Global or the embassy, by getting an early appointment.


4. Wait for Processing and Interview

Once the application process is complete, await the embassy’s response through various means:

1. If any documents are missing, the embassy will email you and request that you submit the required documents.

2. If everything is in order, they will inform you about the interview date. During the interview, they will ask questions related to your plans, future goals, and the documents you submitted. It’s advisable to approach the interview confidently, as it plays a crucial role in obtaining the German job seeker visa.

Remember to bring all the documents in their original form when visiting the embassy. They will check your documents and return them to you, except for your passport, which they will retain to affix the visa sticker or stamp upon a positive decision.


5. Collect Your German Job Seeker Visa

Upon approval of your visa application, you will need to collect your passport with the visa sticker on it.


Questions asked in Germany Job Seeker Visa Interview

Here are the questions that are commonly asked, and we give you an idea of the answer to let you understand how to answer the questions they ask:

Can you outline your plan for searching for a job in Germany?

Do you have any previous responses from companies in Germany regarding your job applications?

Are you proficient in the German language?

What is your timeline for moving to Germany?

How do you plan to maximize your time in Germany for job searching?

Note: These are the common questions that could be asked during your interview for a German job seeker visa. However, you can face any question, so be prepared for that.


Frequently Asked Question

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I buy insurance for a German job seeker visa?

There are various methods to purchase insurance for a German job seeker visa. The process may vary from country to country, but generally, if you want to buy insurance online for a Germany job seeker visa, we suggest considering Provisit. You can purchase this insurance online from your home country. To learn more about Provisit and its coverage, please visit their website.


How do create a block account for a German job seeker visa from abroad?

Numerous banks and financial institutions offer the option to create an account online for your Germany job seeker visa, similar to the process for a study visa block account. However, for a job seeker visa, you are required to maintain a lower amount in your account. If you want insurance and a block account in one place, then we suggest considering Coracle.  However, for detailed information about creating a block account, please refer to our other article discussing various options for block accounts in detail.


Is a birth certificate important to submit for a German job seeker visa from India?

If you apply for a Germany job seeker visa, you have to submit your birth certificate and Aadhar card (with English translation if applicable). This will be considered proof of your status.


Can I apply for a German job seeker visa at the age of 45 or later?

You can apply for a Germany job seeker visa if you are 45 years of age or older. In such cases, you have to attach a declaration regarding provisions for retirement, duly signed. This document is important for you to submit for the job seeker visa.


Can I convert my job seeker visa into a normal residence permit?

You are allowed to convert your visa into an EU Blue Card only if you secure a job in Germany that fulfills the requirements for obtaining an EU Blue Card. If you do not secure a job, then you cannot change your visa into any residence permit.


Can I change the intended travel dates after visa approval?

Yes, you are allowed to change your intended dates even after your Germany job seeker visa has been approved by the embassy.


How long does it take to get a German job seeker visa from Pakistan?

It depends on the embassy, because some people get the visa in two weeks as well. However, the point is that once you have followed the process properly, you have to understand that issuing the visa or granting a Germany job seeker visa takes 4 to 6 weeks in general after your interview. when you apply from Pakistan.


How long does it take to get an appointment date for a German job seeker visa from Pakistan?

If you apply from Pakistan, it would take longer than average, meaning when you apply for an appointment, it takes a year and a half or more to get an appointment. So, we highly suggest that if you have a job, don’t resign from it until you get your visa.


What is the complete process of applying for a job seeker visa in Germany?

Here is the complete process for you:

Determine if you meet the eligibility criteria specified for the job seeker visa.

Gather all the necessary documents required for the visa application.

Arrange an appointment with the respective consulate or visa application center.

Pay the applicable visa fee as per the guidelines provided by the consulate or visa center.

Complete the submission process by providing all the required documents during your appointment.

Await the processing of your visa application.

Upon approval, collect your visa from the embassy or visa center in your country.


Can I extend my job seeker visa after reaching Germany?

You cannot extend your German job seeker visa because this visa is issued for up to 6 months. Once your period is finished, you are required to return to your country without spending any additional days in Germany.


What is the application fee for the German job seeker visa?

The application fee for the German job seeker visa is 75 euros. If you applied from your country, you need to convert this amount into your country’s currency and then submit your fee in that currency.


What is ZAB approval, and why is it important for those planning to work in Germany?

ZAB approval refers to certification confirming the recognition of foreign qualifications by German authorities. It is crucial for you if you intend to work in Germany, especially if your profession mandates state recognition or licensure.


What role does ZAB play in the evaluation process of foreign qualifications?

The Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen (ZAB) evaluates foreign degrees, diplomas, and certificates to determine their equivalence to German qualifications. This evaluation ensures that you, as an individual, possess the necessary credentials to work in your respective professions in Germany.


How do I obtain ZAB approval for their foreign qualifications?

To obtain ZAB approval, you need to submit your foreign degrees, diplomas, or certificates to the ZAB for evaluation. The ZAB then assesses the qualifications and issues approval if they meet the standards set by German authorities. This approval serves as confirmation that your qualifications are recognized in Germany and that you are qualified to work in their profession.


What are the common questions asked in Germany job seeker visa interview?

Can you outline your plan for searching for a job in Germany?
Do you have any previous responses from companies in Germany regarding your job applications?
Are you proficient in the German language?
What is your timeline for moving to Germany?
How do you plan to maximize your time in Germany for job searching?

Note: To get an answer to these questions, we suggest you use a table of contents and find the answer accordingly.


What is the success rate of the German job seeker visa?

The success rate of obtaining a Germany job seeker visa is higher if you have a strong profile, including the required qualifications, relevant experience in your field of around 5 years but not mandatory (meaning the more your experience in your relevant field, the higher your chances of getting a job seeker visa), and some knowledge of the German language. However, it’s essential to ensure that you provide all the required documents, as discussed in step 2.


What other options can I use if I do not get a job seeker visa?

You can have the option to apply for a study visa in Germany if you do not get a job seeker visa. The reason is that in Germany, if you get admission to a master program at a public sector university, you don’t have to pay a semester fee. So when you move to Germany, you will have more chances to learn German, and after studying, you will have more options to settle there as you will have a German degree in your hand. Read more about the study visa process in Germany.


Can I get a job in Germany if I don’t speak German?

It can be challenging to find a job in Germany if you don’t speak the German language, especially in roles requiring communication with people. However, in fields like IT, such as programming or coding, you may still find job opportunities even if your German language skills are not proficient.



While we make an effort to offer accurate and current information, it is advisable to independently verify the details on the official German immigration website for absolute accuracy and clarity.

Disclaimer for Migrate with wisdom

Our blog’s objective is to offer helpful information and direction for completing the Germany Job Seeker visa application process. It is important to rely on the official resources and procedures outlined by the relevant immigration authorities to ensure the most precise and up-to-date information for your application.


What do we hope from you?

We hope that this blog post helps you understand the process of applying for and getting the Germany job seeker visa.

If you have any questions to ask, you are welcome to leave a comment below or get in touch with us at



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